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Jack of All Trades - Mom (Mother's Day Special)

Our telephone conversation always starts with:

Mom: Aathiii!

Me: Aahh maaee!

In the mornings, mom can be a really annoying alarm that I don't even give second thoughts on going back to sleep again. But when I'm in a tight spot, someone always come to the rescue with a truckload of advises and scoldings (without it I feel our conversation is incomplete, so I wait till the end until I get it).

As a self proclaimed connoisseur of kanji, I think you make the best one, amma. The mampayar (black lentils), ghee, grandma's or mom's mango pickle/ chamandi (coconut grated with spices)....slurp. Okay, can't wait to get home. Now that I'm stuck with the hostel and hotel food, hands down, you are the best chef, mom.

I still remember this song which you used to sing as a lullaby called "Kazhinju poya kaalam" and the way you used to sing it. I recently checked YouTube for the song but mom, I have to say this, your version is the best one.

PS: I didn't download that song.

I never understood when I was little why I always ended up getting vaccine which was meant for my brother, why I always ended up on the dental chair when my brother had a cavity. The funny thing, even after I came to know about your little tricks, I fell for it again. Doctor wrote prescription to increase my HB count when she was supposed to write it for your leg pain.

It's a magic how mom can understand whether you are sick or have not eaten, through your voice. Well one secret she shared with me was "If Aathira angry, she hungry" and it's so true. She always asks "Nink veshkininda?" when I'm not in a good mood and after food arrives and all cleaned up, Aathira is back to normal. Also I do notice when you put the last scoop of our favorite curry into my plate and say "there's more in the fridge" or "I don't like it" , it's not because it's there or you hate it. Sacrifices. Well, without you noticing I put it back in your plate, mom. Got your back. :D

Mom, by occupation, is a teacher and I must say, a really hardworking one. Special classes, bringing snacks to those who don't have breakfast, getting everything done systematically. She has done a great deal in teaching my brother and I, when she took a big leave from school, moved to UAE and became a house maker. Small gifts on completing 25-100 pages of questions which you wrote it by hand, I never thought the pain you took to write it. Driving my brother around for tuitions, taking me to dance and music classes, my brother and I am what we are now because of you, mom. You are my iron lady. Thank you. Well, thank you won't suffice because there's no limit to how much we owe you.

You have always been the best teacher, adviser, best friend and most of all an awesome mom and a dutiful wife.

Thank you and Happy Mother's Day to you and all the beautiful mothers out there!

God Bless!

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